
Corporate and Foundation Relations staff circulate a monthly list of grant opportunities for faculty and staff. By making this information available, we encourage you to consider seeking corporate and foundation grant support. Subscribe to receive monthly emails.

To learn more about these opportunities or discuss foundations or corporations that do not have active RFPs, please contact Jared Mouro, Foundation Relations Specialist:

Foundation Program Description Award Amount Deadline
Brady Education Foundation Research Project (RP) proposals

Deadline is for Stage 1 application; Stage 2 applications are by invitation only and are due 8/1/2025. Grant term NTE 3 years. Average grant amount $200,000.

The Brady Education Foundation seeks to improve educational outcomes for children, including those living in marginalized communities. The Foundation pursues its mission by promoting collaboration among researchers, educators, and other stakeholders via the funding of Research Projects and Program Evaluations. The Foundation is currently accepting Research Project (RP) proposals and Existing Program Evaluation (EPE) proposals. The Foundation is particularly focused on supporting projects that are consistent with a strength-based perspective and have the potential to inform future educational research, practice, major philanthropic giving, and/or public policy.

Emailed Application:

$200,000 4/1/2025
Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education: Small

The Small Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. We accept applications three times per year. This program is "field-initiated" in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.

Online Application:

$50,000 4/15/2025
Carnegie Corporation of New York Urban and Higher Education

Letters of Intent may be submitted at any time and are reviewed on a Rolling basis. Full Proposals by invitation only. The goal of the Education program is: "American public education prepares all students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to be active participants in a robust democracy and to be successful in the global economy." Under this program, Carnegie has the following Focus Areas: 1) Leadership and Teaching to Advance Learning; 2) New Designs to Advance Learning; 3) Public Understanding; 4) Pathways to Postsecondary Success; 5) Equitable Systems.

Online Application:

$1,250,000 Rolling
ECMC Foundation Higher Education Grants

Must coordinate with Foundation Relations. Deadline is for Letter of Inquiry; full applications are by invitation only and are due subsequently. ECMC Foundation uses a range of funding methods, including strategic grantmaking and program-related investments to support nonprofit and for-profit organizations that are working to improve postsecondary outcomes for students from underserved backgrounds. In keeping with our core values, we prioritize investments that improve postsecondary persistence and degree completion for students from underserved backgrounds and advance systemic change.

Online Application:

<$1,500,000 Rolling
Lumina Foundation
Unsolicited Grants

Lumina Foundation believes that education provides the basis for individual opportunity, economic vitality, and social stability. With its partners, Lumina works toward a goal of 60 percent of Americans with a college degree, workforce certificate, or other high-quality credential beyond high school by 2025. Lumina's outcomes-based approach focuses on helping to design and build an equitable, accessible, responsive, and accountable post-high school education system for all. We are inviting ideas that advance racial equity and justice in pursuit of Lumina's mission of ensuring 60 percent of working-age adults have college degrees, certificates, industry certifications, and other credentials of value by 2025.

Online Application:

$500,000 Rolling
Transformational Partnership Fund
Higher Ed Partnership and Collaboration Grants

Must coordinate with Foundation Relations. Catalytic grants (up to $100,000 per exploration) will be available to help schools engage technical assistance providers knowledgeable in law, finance, governance, fundraising, human resources, and/or other related fields. TPF also will provide free access to relevant resources collected from its advisors, its network, and other third parties.

Online application:

$100,000 Rolling
Wish You Well Foundation
Grant Program

Supporting family literacy in the United States by fostering and promoting the development and expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs.

Online or Mail Application:

$10,000 Rolling