Finding aligned values

Like many members of the Wayne State family, Kim Easley is both an employee and a student of the university. She started as a student assistant while pursuing her bachelor's in business administration and, for the past nine years, she's been an alumni relations officer in the Division of Development and Alumni Affairs. Kim is currently enrolled in Wayne State's MBA program.

For her, the best part about working at and attending Wayne State is building relationships. "Through taking classes and meeting new people, I have created meaningful relationships which resulted in life-changing experiences, personally and professionally," she said.

Like you, Kim takes pride in Wayne State. She enrolled in the university's payroll deduction program to provide financial support to the HIGH Program, WDET, the Mike Ilitch School of Business Annual Fund and the WSU Alumni Association Programs Fund. Kim noted, "The value and mission of the programs I support fits with my personal and professional values."

Taking advantage of the university's payroll deduction is an easy, convenient way to support the WSU programs that you care about the most. Visit Wayne State's alumni website to explore areas that may interest you or visit here to make your payroll deduction gift.

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