For the Moment: Campaign Update, Fall 2017

With just one year to go until the close of the Pivotal Moments campaign, we have now raised $681 million toward our $750 million goal. As Wayne State celebrates the university's 150th anniversary next year, we will also celebrate the impact of this successful campaign and the more than 80,000 donors who made it possible. There will be events all year long, capped by a celebration week and a very special gathering on October 26, 2018.

For now, many schools and colleges are having their own celebrations this time of year as they host receptions to bring together students who have received scholarships with those who have created them.

"The generous scholarships my classmates and I have received are allowing us to pursue our passions and follow our dreams with just a little bit less stress," said Stacey Dropiewski, speaking at the College of Nursing's annual Scholarship Awards and Reception in September. More than 150 students, donors and faculty members attended the event.

The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences also hosted its annual Donors and Scholars event last month. "It's encouraging that someone is willing to invest in your future, no matter the amount," said Heba Sobh, a fourth-year pharmacy student who has attended the event several times. "It's nice to see the event happen with such a large number of donors every year."

During the Pivotal Moments campaign to date, Wayne State supporters have created more than 620 new scholarships, including 462 endowed scholarships that provide permanent support for students. The campaign's top priority is student support.

Wayne State has much to celebrate so remember to mark your calendars for October 26, 2018, when we hold a special event to herald our Pivotal Moments success and 150 years in the heart of Detroit.

Pivotal Moments: Our Campaign for Wayne State University honors the pivotal moments Wayne State has created in people's lives and provides support to create future moments for students, faculty and the community. Every gift to every area of the university counts toward our ambitious goal to raise $750 million by 2018, the 150th anniversary of the university's founding. To learn more about Pivotal Moments and the impact giving makes at Wayne State, browse through our Impact Stories.

(October 31, 2017)

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