Record fundraising year creates more Pivotal Moments at Wayne State

Following a record fundraising year, Wayne State University has reached $594 million toward its goal of $750 million for Pivotal Moments: Our Campaign for Wayne State University.

During the past fiscal year, which ended on September 30, the university received gifts and pledges totaling $131 million, the highest annual fundraising amount in its history.

"Gifts to the Pivotal Moments campaign allow us to strengthen our university and truly be a place where all students have an opportunity to succeed," said President M. Roy Wilson. "Because of where we are, who we are and what we do, Wayne State can be a leader in Detroit's revitalization and a model for other public urban research universities."

Support for Wayne State during the record year included a historic $40 million gift from Mike and Marian Ilitch for the Mike Ilitch School of Business; $7.5 million from philanthropist and jazz enthusiast Gretchen Valade for the Gretchen Valade Jazz Center and the jazz studies program; $5 million each from law alumni Stephen Ross and Dan Gilbert for Wayne Law; and a $2.5 million pledge from Lear Corporation toward the Ilitch School.

Every gift to every area of the university is part of the Pivotal Moments campaign, and more than 71,000 alumni and friends have contributed to date. The campaign is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2018, the 150th anniversary of the university.

"This is a unique time in the history of Wayne State-a pivotal moment-as our city enjoys renewed investment, energy and appreciation," said Susan Burns '87, vice president of development and alumni affairs. "Through learning opportunities, research excellence and community partnerships, our donors are helping us make an even greater impact."

During the Pivotal Moments campaign, supporters have:

  • Created more than 543 new scholarships (98 in the past year), including 400 endowed scholarships that provide permanent support for students
  • Provided more than $65 million to support faculty members in their research and teaching
  • Committed more than $152 million to the Wayne State University endowment, providing permanent support and elevating the university's reputation
  • Pledged more than $55 million to support campus facilities
  • To make a gift to your favorite area of Wayne State, visit our giving page.

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