Wayne Loyal

Continued support from loyal donors is part of what makes Wayne State the institution we are today, and Wayne Loyal is Wayne State’s way of honoring our most loyal supporters.

Donors who make gifts of any amount for three or more consecutive years are welcomed into Wayne Loyal. When Wayne Loyal donors achieve 20 consecutive years of giving, they are inducted into the Wayne Loyal Lifetime Circle, cementing their commitment to furthering Wayne State's mission to create and advance knowledge, prepare a diverse student body to thrive, and positively impact local and global communities.

Wayne Loyal donors are the foundation of giving at Wayne State. Together, with their generosity, we can create more opportunities for students, strengthen programming and research, attract outstanding faculty and deepen Wayne State's ties to the community.

In addition to continued impact on the university, perks of being Wayne Loyal include:

  • Invitations to exclusive donor events.
  • Quarterly updates on the latest WSU happenings.
  • A generous discount at Wayne State University Press.
  • More opportunities for engagement throughout the year

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Wayne Loyal, contact the Office of Donor Experience at donor_experience@wayne.edu.

I'm Wayne Loyal because ...

Matt Lockwood statement

Sarah Weinstein statement